How to make any character love you in Baldi's Basics Classic

Alone on Valentines? God you're pathetic. Thankfully, I can fix that for you by teaching you how to make any BB character love you!

1. Creating an item

Follow this tutorial on how to create a new item. I will make it as a box of chocolates to gift to our character of choice

2. Put some love in the air

Import a heart texture into the project files and set the Texture Type to Sprite

Create a new Material and set the shader to Unlit/Transparent

Assign the heart sprite into the material

Create a new variable at the top of the GameControllerScript

[SerializeField] private Material heartMat;

Assign the newly made material into the GameControllerScript

This will be the material for the hearts that will pop out soon

3. Now we should stitch them all together!

Copy the following code and paste it in the UseItem function

Ray ray4 = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(new Vector3((float)(Screen.width / 2), (float)(Screen.height / 2), 0f));
RaycastHit raycastHit4;
if (Physics.Raycast(ray4, out raycastHit4) && Vector3.Distance(this.playerTransform.position, raycastHit4.transform.position) <= 10f & (raycastHit4.transform.CompareTag("NPC")))
	ParticleSystem hearts = raycastHit4.transform.gameObject.AddComponent<ParticleSystem>();


	// Main
	var main = hearts.main;
	main.duration = 0f;
	main.loop = false;
	main.startLifetime = 1f;
	main.startSpeed = 10f;

	// Emission
	var emission = hearts.emission;

		new ParticleSystem.Burst[] {
			new ParticleSystem.Burst(0f, 30)

	// Shape
	var shape = hearts.shape;
	shape.shapeType = ParticleSystemShapeType.Sphere;

	// Renderer
	var render = hearts.GetComponent<ParticleSystemRenderer>();
	render.material = heartMat;


	Destroy(hearts, 1f);

This will create the heart particles for when you gift an NPC the item

And there you go! Gift this item to an NPC of your choice and they will love you for it!

Note: This tutorial is just a joke I quickly made for Valentines day. This took me 2 hours to create from conception, execution, testing, and creating this webpage