Baldi's Basics: Wild Life


Wild Life is the 6th installment of the Life Series. Which is a Minecraft Hardcore SMP where players compete to see who can survive the longest. The gimmick on that series is that for each session, a wildcard is active which changes the game and how you play

I love Wild Life. I consider it as the best season in the Life Series. And I wanted to show my love for the series by (trying) to make this mod

Note: THIS IS ALL A CONCEPT! I am working on this as a mod. But we might not see results after a while


The idea for this mod is that for each notebook you collect. A wildcard will activate which would change the mechanics of the game


I am going to change a ton of things about the game. So here are a few rules that I want you all to know before we start

  1. Since there are a ton of wildcards featured in Wild Life. I will have the first notebook activate Spoopmode (impossible question + unlock the swinging doors)
  2. You will be using a lot of items in this run. Which is why I will make every item respawn after a while
  3. Whilst the Wildcard is active. You cannot solve any more notebooks until the Wildcard is inactive
  4. To compensate for a lot of things. Baldi's speed will be decreased such that he is slower than your walking speed whilst the wildcard is active. But when the wildcard has finished, he will speed up rapidly to force you to collect a notebook as quickly as possible
  5. I may also have BB+ elements as well as some other modded stuff in. Such as unlocked mouse, droppable items and such

How it plays out

The normal will still be the same. But like what I said with the groundrules, the first notebook will activate Spoopmode

First Notebook: Edible Items

The idea for this wildcard is that your stamina is constantly draining. But to compensate, every item has the same mechanics as the Zesty Bar. In that you can eat it to gain Stamina

Second Notebook: Immortal Snail

You might have heard of the thought experiment of The Immortal Snail. But how will you do so inside Baldi's Schoolhouse? For this Wildcard. Instead of one snail for each player, the player has to survive THREE snails at once. Each with different strengths and weaknesses representing them


  1. Three snails spawn around the map. Each with different abilities
  2. When you touch a snail. IT'S GAME OVER!
  3. Snails know where you are at all times. And will always pathfind to you
  4. When you are far away from your snail. They will activate a propeller on their shell to fly and reach up to you faster. Only deactivating it once they are close enough
  5. When they are close enough. They have a charge attack which bounces them towards the player
    • And it also breaks windows!

Different Snails


    The normal snail doesn't have much going in it. Aside from what abilities the immortal snail already has


    The music snail has higher stats than normal. But has a main downside in which he plays a loud blasting tune which makes it obvious to where he is


    The stealthy snail has lower stats than normal. But has a main upside in which he is completely invisible until close proximity with the player. In which it fully reveals itself

Third Notebook: Time Dilation

Time seems to have broke in the Schoolhouse. It starts out slow, but eventually gets faster


  1. As soon as the wildcard starts. Time slows down all the way to a complete stop
  2. After 10 seconds has passed. Time will slowly increase in speed until the wildcard ends

Fourth Notebook: Trivia Bot

You think you know your Baldi's Basics Trivia? Well this Wildcard will test your knowledge by spawning a robot which challenges you in a quiz!


  1. A robot will be spawned around the map every 2 minutes and asks you to solve a quiz
  2. Before he starts the quiz. He will pathfind to you until he reaches you
  3. When he does finally reach you. He will stop in place and his countdown will start, you can interact with him to start his quiz
  4. If you answer his quiz correctly, he will give you a free item
  5. If you fail his quiz, or take too long to answer. He will curse you with a random debuff

Fifth Notebook: Character Chaos

It seems like Baldi's cloning device malfunctioned. And now there are MULTIPLE characters everywhere!


  1. When the wildcard starts. The map will be filled with a ton of Placefaces
  2. After some time has passed. Each and every Placeface will be replaced with a clone of a random character in the Schoolhouse (except for Baldi)
  3. Once some time has passed. They will all disappear for it to be done all over again

Sixth Notebook: Superpowers

It seems like every character has been given a superpower! Yourself included!


  1. Each and every character has been given a pre-determined superpower. Here are the ones listed:
    • Player - The ability to copy abilities. Press E when close enough to a character to copy their abilities!
    • Baldi - The ability to call backup. When he is close enough to the player, he will teleport The Principal and Playtime to his location
    • Principal of the Thing - The ability to disguise as other characters, he will disguise as an oblivious NPC and spy on the player to make sure they aren't breaking the rules
    • Arts and Crafters - The ability to switch positions. When he sees the player, he will switch positions with him
    • Playtime - The ability of super speed. When she sees the player, she will instantly dash towards them to play jump rope!
    • Gotta Sweep - ???
    • It's a Bully - The ability to become invisible. He will only appear once he is close enough to the player!
    • 1st Prize - ???

Seventh Notebook: EVERYTHING. ALL AT ONCE!

You think this mod has been easy? Well. Now you are gonna have to fight against every single wildcard, all at ONCE!


  1. Every single Wildcard is active