


Almost forgot to update on this website before the end of the month. Whoopsies! But at least I got some things to show!

Image Animations

I have been working on an IA called "Thin Ice". I got a bunch of the basics of Adobe Animate. Now I am mainly limited on my imagination! (and my still lack of knowledge in ActionScript)

I have also been listening to a lot of Rip Slyme recently. I got a good idea for an Image Animation involving PA Sparky with a song called Super Shooter. So be on the lookout for that when Thin Ice gets finished!


I have been working on a little Baldi's Basics Raycaster project on PenguinMod (Scratch mod similar to Turbowarp). I really wanted to test the limits with Scratch and see how complex a Baldi's Basics game can really be

I have also been learning to implement Javascript for my website shenanigans. Right now, I have only really used it for the UTY Website, and only for automation. But the limits are endless with this one!


I managed to get qualified in University of Santo Thomas (I think?) which is like this really cool senior high school in the Philippines! Not sure if I should enter since I already have plans on another school which teaches about software engineering and stuff. But we'll see

I have also been working on my UTY website. More specifically on the blindfolded challenge that I mentioned I would do in the previous UTY update!

That is basically all I can say. Now watch me disappear from the face of the earth once again!